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About me.

I have been working in digital marketing for over a decade. My passion and speciality is SEO and I have worked in both digital marketing agencies and been head of in-house marketing departments.

and lead generation

I have experience in delivering successful SEO campaigns for both eCommerce and lead generation clients across an incredibly wide range of niches. This has included helping companies achieve three-figure growth in terms of sessions, new users and revenue, and most importantly, strong and consistent levels of return on investment.

Tailored approach

My approach to digital marketing is that every client is different and will therefore require a specially tailored approach.

I take the time to learn and understand both your business and your audience. I believe in the utmost transparency and will ensure that you are kept fully informed of what is being performed, and most importantly, what it is doing to contribute towards driving growth for your business.

Most common questions

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What people say...

I am based in the city of Verona in Italy, but I work with a variety of companies from around the globe.

Tom is an expert in digital marketing, specifically content writing and link building and is always ahead of the game in this area. Having worked with Tom on lots multichannel digital marketing campaigns during our time together, we achieved some fantastic results consistently delivered high levels of ROI and value to the customer.

Richard Houghton

Head of Digital Marketing

Tom is practical, impartial and knowledgeable SEM specialist, who I had the great pleasure to have worked alongside with on a variety of SEM campaigns. During this time I have always found Tom to go above and beyond his role, and he has the rare combination of being able to lead a team as well as working independently. These traits make Tom a real asset to any organisation that he works for, and it is because of this that I am happy to give me my full recommendation.

Damien Ellis

Performance Marketing Manager

Prima di conoscere Tom non avevo ben chiaro né il valore della SEO né i reali benefici che potesse apportare alla mia attività. Tramite una prima consulenza iniziale Tom ha saputo illustrarmi in maniera chiara ed efficace tutto quello che avrei potuto fare per sviluppare il mio business online e non ho avuto dubbi nell’affidarmi a lui e al suo servizio di Local SEO Consultant. Ad oggi sono felice di aver fatto questa scelta e raccomando Tom a chiunque voglia assistere alla crescita della propria attività online, una buona SEO fa davvero la differenza.

Miriam Munerato

Graphic & Visual Designer

Get in touch for your free discovery call and improve your SEO performance.

If you would like to find out what is possible for your business, please get in touch for your completely free, no-obligation digital marketing audit and find out what is possible for your business!

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